Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thoughts for the Season - Carers

It is hoped that the posts that have been recently placed on this site have enabled readers to gain some insight into the workings and value of the NSW Mental Health Act 2007. Clearly, there is an important need to respect the rights and dignity of those affected by mental illness. Also, in the Act, there is recognition of the challenges and pain that mental illness in another person can cause to their families and partners or carers. The role of the primary carer has been elevated in the new Act to one who is recognised as being an important part of the treatment team. All primary carers (and indeed all who are carers) should seek to establish their contribution to the care of the person by being actively involved in their treatment plan.There are now some excellent tools and resources for carers to use in their role. The education and training programs of Carers NSW and the Schizophrenia Fellowship were designed, and provided, by carers. All carers are encouraged to seek out those supportive programs. There are also individual workers located within the local community whose role is to support carers, by personal support, group support and by training and advocacy. I would also encourage carers of persons with a mental illness to seek support and information from the Bowral Mental Health Service, and the Bowral Community Health Centre. There is printed material on various mental illnesses, treatments and medications, available for collection or posting. Carers also have access to the generalist counselling service at the Bowral Community Health Centre, as well as being able to seek referrals to many competent local clinicians in the private sector through the Federal Government's "Better Access" program. Referrals can be obtained from your general practitioner. Medicare will fund the bulk of the fee for service with a gap payment generally required from the carer. Speak with your general practitioner about other options for accessing supportive counselling. Finally, this is the season of the year (as is any time) when the thoughts of many people turn to the memories of persons lost to them. Loss brings varying forms of grief and pain. It would be important for us to ensure that those who feel grief and pain at this time of the year are protected, as much as possible, from the pain attributable to their losses. Be aware of those around you and ensure that they remain safe during the festive season.

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